Epp Annus
Introduction. Between arts and politics: A postcolonial view on Baltic cultures of the Soviet era.
pp 1-13
Full article
Benedikts Kalnačs
Comparing colonial differences: Baltic literary cultures as agencies of Europe’s internal others
pp 15-30
Full article
Jaak Kangilaski
Postcolonial theory as a means to understand Estonian art history
pp 31-47
Violeta Davoliute
The Sovietization of Lithuania after WWII: modernization, transculturation, and the lettered city
pp 49-63
Maija Burima
Orientalism, otherness, and the Soviet empire: travelogues by Latvian writers of the Soviet period
pp 65-75
Rasa Balockaite
Bourgeoisie as internal orient in the Soviet Lithuanian literature: Roses Are Red by A. Bieliauskas, 1959
pp 77-91
Sille Kapper
Post-colonial folk dancing: reflections on the impact of stage folk dance style on traditional folk dance variation in Soviet and post-Soviet Estonia
pp 93-111
Piret Peiker
Estonian nationalism through the postcolonial lens
pp 113-132
Deniss Hanovs
Can postcolonial theory help explain Latvian politics of integration? Reflections on contemporary Latvia as a postcolonial society
pp 133-153