Merily Salura

Photo: Krõõt Tarkmeel

Merily Salura (b. 1993) is a PhD student of art history and visual culture at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She studies the temporality of creative processes in the experience of writers and visual artists, addressing the particularities in the experience of time when writing a novel and painting. Her PhD thesis offers a phenomenological interpretation of the temporal experience in the creative processes of two Estonian writers (Viivi Luik and Peeter Sauter) and visual artists (Tiit Pääsuke, Tõnis Saadoja) in particular, connecting her analysis with Hans-Georg Gadamer’s aesthetics. She has defended her bachelor’s thesis (2015) at Tallinn University in culture theory and master’s thesis (2017) at the University of Tartu in philosophy. She is currently working on an English-Estonian translation of Hannah Arendt’s “Origins of Totalitarianism.” She has organized conferences, been a volunteer in Estonian NGOs, held lectures in the University of Tartu Youth Academy (lectures on the problem of evil) and co-hosted and edited a philosophy-themed radio show “Polüloog.”