Agnes Neier

Photo: Krõõt Tarkmeel

Agnes Neier (b. 1986) is a literary scholar who studies the relationship between word and image, focusing on photographic images in Estonian literature and contemporary culture. She has a bachelor’s degree (2010) in literature and cultural research and a master’s degree (2014) in literature and theater studies, both from the University of Tartu. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the function of photography in Estonian literature. In addition to research, Agnes Neier works at the University of Tartu in the field of research and development management. She has organized several conferences, edited special issues of magazines and written literary criticism.

Main publications (in English)

Books, special editions of journals

Agnes Neier, Nancy Pedri, Photographic Untruths in Fiction pt. 2. Image & Narrative, vol 21, no 2, 2020.

Agnes Neier, Nancy Pedri, Photographic Untruths in Fiction Pt. 1. Image & Narrative, vol 20, no 3, 2019.


Agnes Neier, Nancy Pedri, The Not-So-Hard Truths of Photography, or Exposing the Untruths of Photography. – Image & Narrative, vol 21, no 2, 2020, pp 1−10.

Agnes Neier, Nancy Pedri, Introduction: Un-truths of Photography in Fiction. – Image & Narrative, vol 20, no 3, 2019, pp 1−10.