Eva-Liisa Linder (b. 1978) is a theatre researcher who focuses on contemporary political theatre. She holds a MA (2010) in theatre studies from the University of Tartu and continues her studies as a doctoral student in the Institute of Humanities at Tallinn University. Her research concentrates on contemporary theatre in Estonia from the perspective of public sphere, ethics and nationalism, using the critical theory of the Frankfurt School as a frame of reference. Eva-Liisa has been working as a researcher at the Drama School of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre since 2001 and has lectured on Estonian theatre and academic writing. She has participated in research projects, organised conferences, edited collections and published several articles.
Main publications (in English)
Three Phases of the Theatrical Public Sphere in Estonian Theatre. – Nordic Theatre Studies, vol 31, no 1, 2019, pp 73−91.
Functions and Techniques of Critique in Contemporary Estonian Theatre. – Forum Modernes Theater, vol 29, no 1-2 (2014), 2018, pp 90−97.
How Theatre Can Develop Democracy: The Case of Theatre NO99. – Nordic Theatre Studies, vol 25, 2013, pp 84−96.