Neeme Lopp

Photo: Krõõt Tarkmeel

Neeme Lopp (b. 1980) is Estonian a literary scholar who focuses on contemporary aesthetic theory and the Estonian culture of the transition period (1986–1998). He has a bachelor’s degree in Estonian literature from the University of Tartu (2003), from 2006 PhD student at the same university. Upcoming doctoral thesis focuses on aesthetic democracy and the model of literary innovation during the aforementioned transition period. Besides research Neeme teaches in Estonian Academy of Arts courses on the history of philosophy, aesthetics and contemporary cultural theory. From 2014 he is the head of the publishing of Estonian Academy of Arts. He writes art criticism and has compiled and edited several books.

Publications in English


Tuglaste koduaia pagupunkt. / The vanishing point of the Tuglases’ home garden. – KUNST.EE, no 1, 2020, pp 14−19.

Tagasilangemine maatriksisse. / Relapse into the matrix. – KUNST.EE, no 3, 2020, pp 27−33.

Jass Kaselaan ja fossiilid. / Jass Kaselaan and fossils. – KUNST.EE, no 3, 2019, pp 57−64.