TRANSITIONS. Annual conference of Science Fiction Research Association, 2024
May 7-11, 2024; University of Tartu, Estonia.. →
Cultural heterologies and democracy. Culture in the Baltic countries in the 1990s
Viinistu, 17.–19. august 2021.. →
ASAP/8: Alternatives to the Present
8th Annual Symposium of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present.
3. – 5. september, 2016, Tartu.. →
3. – 5. september, 2016, Tartu.. →
IAPL/36: Archaeologies of the Future
Rahvusvahelise Filosoofia ja Kirjanduse Assotsiatsiooni 36. aastakonverents. 28. maist 3. juunini 2012 Tallinna Ülikoolis.. →
Via Transversa: Lost Cinema of the Former Eastern Bloc
October 5-6, 2007. Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn .. →
PLACE and LOCATION III: The City: _topias and Reflections
September 19–21, 2002
Tallinn, St. Canute’s Guild Building, Pikk 20 .. →
Tallinn, St. Canute’s Guild Building, Pikk 20 .. →